Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long drives

Soo... we made the day journey from eastern texas to western texas.  Let me fill you in on this secret incase you have never been to this great state.  Eastern Texas=fun, cities, etc.  Western Texas=open land of nothingness, tumbleweeds, etc.  So I drove the 9 hours across the state and didn't find much along the way.  But we made it to El Paso!  It is a border city with Mexico and you literally drive on the interstate here and Mexico is directly on one side, while America is on the other.  In the US, you see large buildings, nice cars, the university, etc.  On the Mexico side you see small shack houses, dirt roads, etc.  It breaks my heart that this one little border separates two completely different worlds of living.  

Today we are leaving Texas and making the short hour drive to New Mexico where we will be staying the next 3 days.  We have our 2 IC screenings there and will be finished with tour later this week.  It is astonishing that tour is almost over!  I look back and wonder where the last three months have gone.  So fast, but so fun.  At the end of the week we will begin our venture back to California...


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