Monday, February 25, 2008

Current update in Uganda

So many amazing things happening in the last few days... there have been peace talks happening for the last year and a half (on and off) and now the LRA and Ugandan government have just signed a permanent ceasefire.  This means that the war in northern Uganda could be ended as early as next week.  I really cannot even grasp it.  Keep in mind that this war has been going on for the last 22 years.  This is what I am doing traveling around this spring - trying to end the war in northern Uganda.  

I definitely encourage you all to check out this website: for more information on the current up to date information.  

I cannot wait to tell you more about what is new... but for now, I have to run!  We are staying with a family who is absolutely incredible and the kids want to play before we have to go to our screening.  :)  Love to you all!

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