Monday, March 10, 2008

Relaxation and friendship.

This weekend has been one of the most relaxing weekends I have had in quite some time. On our spring break, i've been able to catch up on sleep, relax by the lake, journal, read, and spend time with a couple of wonderful friends. It honestly couldn't have come at a better time.

It is easy to get to know people on a semi-real level because of the lack of time we are able to spend with each person and the amount of cities that we go to. However, over the past week, I have been able to open up and be completely real, getting to know someone and her getting to know me. Hearing her struggles and her joys in life. Seeing her face gleam when she talks about her husband. Having her be a listening ear and sharing her wisdom with me. It is something that couldn't have come at a more perfect time. As I will continue to open up with people and share my people and hear theirs, I hope to continue to make friends as close as this one and be nothing but real.

We were blessed to stay in a house that is somebody's second home (or fourth to be exact..). It is a place that I look at and can see the financial blessings that they have been given. It is a home with eight beds, but room for many more. It is a home with all the amentities and a little extra. Their home is surrounded by a lake and their property even includes its very own island. With all of this, it is easy to think that I am being completely spoiled and that this family may not be using whats been given to them in the best way possible. But then I stop and think... I have been blessed by this family opening up their home to us and for our team to have 3 days of relaxation and hibernation in sense that was needed for us to keep from wearing ourselves down. This time has helped me to feel refreshed and to be reenergized. It is a place of peace and calmness and serenity. A place where I am able to go out onto the island, sit in silence, and feel God surrounding me. I think that it is all too easy for me to judge a book by its cover... all too dangerous for me to do so. God is in the poor and the homeless, but he is also in the middle class and in the wealthy. I am thankful for the blessings that I have received personally and the way in which it has grown me, and I am thankful for the way in which some with wealth understand that it is not their money but that they are only a tool for which they are being used to disperse money to bless others.

In a matter of hours we are leaving to drive to Houston. And thus begins our craziest week we have scheduled for our tour. Excited - yes! Overwhelmed? Ask me at the end of the week... :)

1 comment:

Meggan said...

I liked this blog post dear. When I was on choir tour in New York I stayed in some very huge "mansion" type houses too. I struggled with the "judging a book by it's cover" thing for awhile too... and then realized just what you realized... we have been blessed by them opening their home and extra space to us. It is not so important whether we are really rich, really poor, or whatever in the middle... it's what we do with what we've been given that counts. It's important to be content whatever our circumstances.. and to always be using our circumstances for giving glory to God! It's so beautiful that it can happen in SOOOO many ways. :)
Love you sweetie! :)